Yeah, I Love Japan. What's it to You?

by - 5/19/2015

A short rant: 

Kevin's friend came to visit recently and we got to talking about travel. He has been all over the world backpacking: Europe, Asia, etc. We were talking about kids, and I said not yet. He said, "Yeah, travel instead. But go somewhere other than Japan!" 

I've been to Japan twice, and by the time this is posted, I'll be in Japan for a third time. Yes, I am a big fan of Japan. I like the people, the food, the fashion, the cosmetics, and I have friends there that I like to visit. The cities are fun, the countryside is beautiful, and I have fun when I go. I'm never bored there, and there's always so much to see and do. 

I've been to Europe. Sure, I'd like to go again, but it's expensive. I've mulled over the idea of going to Australia or New Zealand, but those places are also expensive. Japan is relatively cheap for us, which is a really nice bonus. Yeah, sure, I could stay in a hostel or just backpack my way through a few countries, but let's be real here. I like luxury. I like room service and housekeeping service and free amenities. I'm not about to stay in a hovel just to get a few more countries under my belt. 

The point is, if I want to go to Japan multiple times, I'm going to go there multiple times. I don't care if you think I should to to other countries just because you've done it. If you had fun, then good for you. Don't tell me what I should do or where I should go.

*End rant* 

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