This Weeks Nails: Candy and Unicorns

by - 3/07/2017

I was feeling especially childish recently. I had also seen someone make their nail look like a unicorn horn and top it with holo powder, and my inner child exploded. I knew I had to do it. My nails aren't really long enough to look like a horn, but I went for it anyway. In hindsight, I would have made the lines on the base of the nail a little fatter, and gotten thinner on the way to the tip. Oh well, next time. I also wanted to make some cute peppermint nails, which I thought would be hard, but it wasn't that bad. To give it that candy look, I topped the nails with clearish holo glitter. My nails really looked like candies! But EVERYTHING was getting stuck in the glitter. Anything fuzzy got snagged and I was constantly pulling fuzz off my fingers, so I had to add a top coat. I lost the texture a bit, but it still looks really fun. 

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